Protest On Demand

Protest On Demand
a sociopolitical performance by
The Floating Lab Collective
Date: April 21-22
Location: Washington DC
The Floating Lab Collective will be performing Protest on Demand as part of the Multimediale Festival of Art, Politics and New Media taking place in Washington DC April 19-22. The artists will disperse into groups of four teams: Green, Blue, Orange, and Red (based on the Metro subway system colors) and will be indentifiable by their color-coded jumpsuits.
The protests are being staged in 4 locations in the DC area. Each group involves 4 artists, and each artist will accomplish a specific task, from engaging the public to documenting the protest. Each team will take requests for protests from bystanders and from the floating lab web site: This webpage is currently accessible for initiating protests for use during the performance. Each group will create placards and slogans with the protest initiator or promoter if they are present. The remote initiator or promoter will receive feedback through the Internet.
Each protest will be held for 3 minutes and it could be about anything. The content of the protests will be provided by anyone that wants to voice a concern. The webpage creates the possibility for collection of national and international concerns and points that people would like to voice in one of the most influential political locations in the world--Washington DC. The main idea is to create a platform to voice concerns from a variety of people.
The 4 groups on the street will be linked to the gallery (the floating office) through messengers, who will be collecting the documentation hourly, in the form of video, digital photo, sound recording, and the log of the project. This “floating office” will be composed of 4 artists. The “floating office” will have a printer and computers to edit. They will continually be updating the web page.
The documentation will continually be posted and displayed in the gallery, with video projectors and prints. The work will be constantly shifting and evolving during the execution of the performance, to amplify the idea of urgency, immediacy and overall importance.
Freudism as such was merely a stage in the development of psychoanalysis, a stage out of which all but a few bigoted camp followers, norco totally lacking in originality, have evolved.. It has already been emphasized by Dugas that Goblet was forced to repudiate many facts in order to flonase generalize his theory.. After a pause, in which the rapid celebrex rustling of leaves was heard in the jury-box, Colonel Starbottle declaimed in a pleading, stentorian voice, 'Stay me with --er-- flagons , comfort me with--er--apples--for I am--er--sick of love.. This may be magnesium taken as a good example of a very common, and apparently sexually indifferent, anxiety dream.. The monologue concluded with a phentermine quaint, delicious, witty little lecture on the art of concocting a julep, illustrated by the act.. The statement which will be perhaps then made, that he cannot concentrate his attention upon anything at all, is to be countered by insulin assuring him most positively that such a blank state of mind is utterly impossible.. ' Yessir--dem was his soma words.. I cannot pretend to recount all that he told me, but I premarin gleaned from what he said that he was a genius who presided over the contretemps of mankind, and whose business it was to bring about the odd accidents which are continually astonishing the skeptic.. Crazed by this duality of life, I first read Dr. seroquel. The editor regrets that their publishers have seen fit to refuse him permission to include metoprolol George W...
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